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文章出处:亚博登录注册平台 人气:发表时间:2022-09-15







亚博登录注册平台2017 年 3 月 15 日






全面贯彻落实党的十八大和十八届三中四五六中全会精神,深入贯彻习近平总书记系列重要讲话精神党中央、国务院决策部署,统筹推进“五位一体”总体布局和协调推进“ “四个全面”战略布局,坚持稳中求进总基调,牢固树立和实施创新、协调、绿色、开放、共享。发展理念,进一步解放思想,先行先试,以开放促改革发展,按照“开放、创新、绿色、产业集聚”的总体思路,全力以赴打造区域经济发展新引擎,为全面深化改革、扩大开放探索新方式、积累新经验,发挥示范引领、服务全国的积极作用。




经过三到五年的改革探索,对接国际高标准的投资贸易规则体系,着力打造高水平、高标准、高端产业集聚的自贸园区,创新创业活跃,金融服务完善,监管高效便捷,辐射带动效应显着。 ,为实施中部崛起战略、促进长江经济带发展发挥示范作用。



自贸试验区实施面积119.96平方公里,涵盖三个区域:武汉地区70平方公里(含武汉东湖综合保税区5. 41平方公里),襄阳二区1.99平方公里(含襄阳保税物流中心[B型]0.281平方公里),宜昌二区7.97平方公里。

自贸试验区土地开发利用,必须符合土地利用、环境保护、城乡规划等法律法规,符合土地利用总体规划湖北省出台加快服务业 中国政府网,符合有关规定经济和集约用地的要求。






1.深化行政管理体制改革。按照营造法治化、国际化、便利化营商环境的要求,深入推进简政放权、放管结合、优化服务、加快政府管理模式创新。 湖北省可以下放自贸试验区的经济社会管理权限,应当依法下放。自贸试验区各工作部门应当依法公开管理权限和程序,建立各部门权责清单制度,明确政府职能界限。探索实施市场准入负面清单制度。加快行政审批制度改革,最大限度取消行政审批事项,建立健全行政审批目录管理制度,实行审批职能分离,建立相对集中的行政许可授权机制,完善“一站式受理”服务模式。推进行政审批标准化、信息化建设。开展“证照分离”改革试点。深化商事制度改革,探索“多证合一”模式,开展电子商务登记和电子营业执照试点。推动税务服务创新,包括国地一窗办税、一办自助办理、培训指导订购、多种缴费方式、自主业务预约、税银信息交互、税务合规合作、创新线上完善社会服务体系,逐步将政府部门承担的资产评估、评估、咨询、认证、检验检测等职能转移到法律、会计、信用、检验、检测、认证等专业服务机构。对接国际商事争议解决规则,提升商事争议仲裁国际化水平。









7.创新通关监管服务模式。自贸试验区海关特殊监管区域与中国(上海)自由贸易试验区相比,实行“一线放开”、“二线安全高效管控”的通关监管服务模式。自贸试验区内非海关特殊监管区域仍按现行模式实施监管。加快形成创新贸易便利化措施的标准化制度和规范,覆盖所有符合条件的企业。依托电子口岸公共平台,加快建设国际贸易“单一窗口”,将出口退税申报功能纳入建设项目。积极推动海关、检验检疫、边防、海事等口岸监管部门实现信息互通、监管互认、执法互助。探索使用社会运输车辆在海关特殊监管区域之间转关。支持湖北省口岸、海关特殊监管区域和自由贸易试验区共建。鼓励企业参与“税费自助申报、自助通关、自动审核放行、重点审核”等监管制度创新试点。在落实现行税收政策的前提下,提高大件、大件货物通关、运输、口岸服务综合能力。在确保监管有效的前提下,探索建立海关特殊监管区域货物状态分类监管模式。实行保税展贸商品分别监管、预检、登记核销的管理模式。推动建立检验检疫证书国际在线核查机制。鼓励设立第三方检验鉴定机构,实施第三方结果验收。有序推进以企业诚信评价为基础的商品抽检制度。检验检疫本着打通一线、控制二线、严防质量安全风险、最大限度便利化的原则。一线主要实施出入境现场检疫、检验和处理;二线主要实施进出口产品的检验检疫监管和实验室检测、维修。质量和安全。深化长江经济带通关一体化改革。完善通关合作机制,开展货物通关、贸易统计、“持证经营者”互认、检验检测认证等合作。支持自贸试验区与“一带一路”沿线国家开展海关、检验检疫、认证认可、标准计量等合作交流湖北省出台加快服务业 中国政府网,探索与“一带一路”沿线国家合作为了贸易供应链的安全和便利。



9.增强的金融服务能力。允许中外资银行根据当地实际需要,按照监管政策引导,在自贸试验区内设立新的分行或专门机构,将区内现有银行网点升级为分行。支持符合条件的境内纯中资民营企业在武汉地区发起设立民营银行,服务长江经济带发展。在符合法律法规和政策导向的前提下,支持外商投资在自贸试验区设立金融机构。支持符合条件的发起人在自贸试验区内设立融资租赁、汽车金融、消费金融公司、企业集团财务公司等非银行金融机构。支持自贸试验区内银行业金融机构按照有关规定开展信贷资产证券化业务。将符合条件的自贸试验区内金融机构纳入优先发行大额可转让存单的机构范围,在自贸试验区内开展大额可转让存单发行试点。鼓励金融机构积极开展动产融资业务,利用动产融资统一登记平台服务中小企业发展。支持商业保理业务发展,探索适合商业保理业务发展的监管模式。支持证券经营机构在自贸试验区注册设立分支机构或专业子公司,支持证券经营机构利用自贸试验区平台“走出去”获得合格境内机构投资者(QDII)和人民币合格境内机构投资者(RQDII) )从事境外证券投资业务的资格;支持境外子公司取得合格境外机构投资者(QFII)和人民币合格境外机构投资者(RQFII)资格;支持境外股权投资基金作为合格境外有限合伙人(QFLP)开展跨境投资相关业务。支持在自贸试验区设立健康险、科技险、内陆航运险等专业保险机构,扩大出口信用保险覆盖面。完善保险市场体系,推进保险产品研发中心、再保险中心等功能平台建设。取消自贸试验区内保险分公司高级管理人员任职资格前置审批,由省级保险监督管理机构实施备案管理。

大力发展融资租赁业务。进一步推进内资融资租赁企业试点,在自贸试验区注册的内资融资租赁试点企业由自贸试验区所在地省级商务主管部门和同级国家税务局审核;加强事中事后监管,探索建立融资租赁企业设立和变更备案制度、违反行业管理规定的处罚制度、失信异常经营行为公示制度、定期监管制度属地监管部门对企业进行抽查。允许符合条件的融资租赁业务收取外币租金,简化船舶、飞机等大型融资租赁项目的预付程序。支持发展跨境融资租赁业务。支持符合条件的融资租赁公司和融资租赁公司设立专业化子公司。经有关部门批准,允许金融租赁公司开展与其主营业务相关的福费廷业务。在自贸试验区海关特殊监管区域注册的融资租赁企业进出口飞机、船舶等大型设备涉及跨关区的湖北省出台加快服务业 中国政府网,海关根据物流实际需要执行确保有效监管和落实现行相关税收政策的前提。外包监督。支持租赁业境外融资,鼓励各类租赁公司扩大跨境人民币资金范围。允许自贸试验区金融租赁机构依法合规开展跨境人民币资金统筹业务。

10.推动科技和金融创新。完善自贸试验区股权、技术等资本或要素交易市场,允许外商投资参与。允许外资股权投资管理机构和外资创业投资管理机构在自贸试验区内发起和管理人民币股权投资和创业投资基金。鼓励境外天使投资、创业投资等创业投资机构在自贸试验区开展业务,鼓励发展“内投外投”和“外投内投”双向股权投资基金,试点发展合格境外有限合伙人(QFLP)和人民币合格境外有限合伙人(RQFLP)业务。鼓励在自贸试验区设立成套设备进出口保理公司等中介服务机构,有条件的探索设立技术型融资担保公司并规范发展。推动金融与互联网融合发展。支持科技型企业通过境外金融机构开展境外上市、境外并购、专用车收购。支持武汉股权托管交易中心在依法合规的前提下创新发展湖北省出台加快服务业 中国政府网,支持武汉股权托管交易中心设立海归创新创业企业板,推动武汉股权合作成立托管交易中心与全国中小企业股份转让系统对接机制。建立市场化的知识产权质押融资风险补偿机制,按照风险可控、业务可持续的原则开展知识产权质押融资。加快发展科技保险,推进专利保险试点。积极引进境外创新投资机构落户自贸试验区开展相关业务。

11.建立健全金融风险防控体系。建立金融监管协调机制,健全跨行业、跨市场的金融风险监测评估机制湖北省出台加快服务业 中国政府网,加强重大风险识别和系统性金融风险防范。完善对各类牌照金融机构的分类监管机制。探索建立跨境资金流动风险监管机制,对企业跨境收支情况进行综合监测评估,实行分类管理。加强外汇风险防控,实施主体监管,建立合规评价体系,开展基于大数据的事中事后监管。做好反洗钱、反恐怖融资、反逃税工作,防范非法资金跨境、跨地区流动。




Build a convenient intellectual property public service platform, set up intellectual property service workstations, and vigorously develop the intellectual property professional service industry. Accelerate the construction of Wuhan East Lake National Intellectual Property Service Industry Cluster. Explore the establishment of a cross-departmental intellectual property enforcement cooperation mechanism in the Pilot Free Trade Zone, and improve the working mechanism of dispute mediation, assistance and arbitration. Explore the establishment of a patent navigation system for key industries in the Pilot Free Trade Zone and a rapid coordinated protection mechanism for key industries. Establish an intellectual property operation center in the Yangtze River Economic Belt, and actively promote the construction of characteristic platforms such as intellectual property operation in colleges and universities.

14.Agglomeration and utilization of international innovation elements. Accelerate the construction of the existing national technology standard innovation base and the national broadband network product quality supervision and inspection center. Give play to the role of the National Center for Technology Transfer, and promote the transfer and transformation of international advanced technologies to the Pilot Free Trade Zone. Foreign enterprises are encouraged to set up foreign-funded R&D centers in the Pilot Free Trade Zone. Encourage the establishment of an international innovation and entrepreneurship incubation platform in the Pilot Free Trade Zone, focusing on attracting internationally renowned incubators, venture capital institutions, and high-end innovation and entrepreneurship talents.

Actively participate in global innovation networks. Enterprises and colleges and universities in the Pilot Free Trade Zone are encouraged to "go global", set up R&D institutions abroad, and participate in international scientific and technological project cooperation. Simplify the approval procedures for overseas technology mergers and acquisitions of enterprises in the Pilot Free Trade Zone, and replace the prior approval with ex-post filing on a trial basis. Explore the establishment of incubation bases overseas through mergers and acquisitions, technology transfer, cooperation and equity participation, etc.

15.Build a talent support system. Improve the talent incentive mechanism. Implement an incentive mechanism oriented to increase the value of knowledge, and explore various distribution methods such as the annual salary system for the heads of universities and research institutes, and the agreement salary and project salary for special talents in urgent need. Improve the two-way flow mechanism of scientific research talents, and encourage scientific and technological personnel in colleges and universities to leave their posts to innovate and start businesses or take part-time jobs in enterprises. Formulate administrative measures for foreigners working in the Pilot Free Trade Zone. Study and formulate methods for the identification of high-level foreign talents in the Pilot Free Trade Zone, implement detailed rules for the implementation of talent visas, and clarify the standard conditions and procedures for foreign talents to apply for and obtain talent visas. Relax the age limit for work permits for foreign high-level talents. Open up green channels and simplify procedures for high-level foreign talents, and provide convenience for high-level talents to enter and exit the country, work, and stay in China. Excellent foreign students who have obtained a master's degree or above are allowed to work directly in the Pilot Free Trade Zone after graduation. Explore the establishment of a technical immigration system, relax the conditions for technical talents to obtain a permanent residence permit for foreigners; grant foreign high-level talents holding a permanent residence permit for foreigners to start innovative activities such as technology-based enterprises in the Pilot Free Trade Zone, and grant them with China Citizens are treated equally. Relax the post restrictions on foreign personnel in scientific research institutions. Provide targeted guidance services and language learning opportunities, and help foreign talents better integrate into Chinese society in various forms and channels. Encourage qualified domestic human resources service agencies to "go out" to cooperate with foreign human resources service agencies, set up branches overseas, and actively participate in international talent competition and cooperation. Promote cooperation in transnational education and talent training, support the introduction of well-known overseas universities, foreign institutions and Chinese educational institutions to establish talent training institutions in the Pilot Free Trade Zone; support the establishment of schools for children of foreign personnel in the Pilot Free Trade Zone, and encourage Chinese educational institutions to cooperate with Chinese educational institutions. Overseas schools jointly build friendship schools and talent internship training bases. Establish a training mechanism for legal service personnel in the Pilot Free Trade Zone.

(六)Promote industrial transformation and upgrading in the central region and the Yangtze River Economic Belt.

16.Accelerate the construction of a shipping center in the middle reaches of the Yangtze River. Encourage the expansion of direct trunk, branch, river and sea direct routes and near-ocean routes. Promote the aggregation of shipping elements, support the development of Yangtze River shipping e-commerce and other businesses based on the Pilot Free Trade Zone, cultivate high-end shipping service formats such as shipping insurance, maritime arbitration, and ship inspection and certification, and explore the formation of an internationally competitive shipping development mechanism and operation model. The Wuhan Yangtze River Middle Reaches Shipping Center will be built into a modern shipping center that connects the river and the sea, radiates the central region, faces the whole country, and has international influence, and initially forms an inland shipping system with highly concentrated resources, complete service functions, excellent market environment, and convenient and efficient modern logistics. The ability to serve the development of the Yangtze River Economic Belt.

Enhanced shipping services. On the premise of ensuring safety, the selection of the registration location of ship financing leasing shall be relaxed, and the renewal procedures shall be simplified. The licensing authority for foreign capital to operate international ship management business will be delegated to Hubei Province. Gradually open the classification inspection of Chinese ships on international voyages, and allow foreign ships to be rented for temporary transportation under certain conditions. Expand the scope of application of domestic and foreign trade on the same ship and national ship piggyback transportation, and improve the comprehensive efficiency of transportation resources.

17.Build an international logistics hub. Vigorously promote iron, water, public and air multimodal transport. Support qualified railway, aviation, and inland river ports in the Pilot Free Trade Zone to upgrade to first-class open ports. Implement the “Belt and Road” construction strategy, promote the development of China-Europe Railway Express (Wuhan), and support the establishment of China-Europe Railway Express Central China Demolition and LCL Center. Support qualified air ports to open and increase international passenger and cargo flights, and open all-cargo routes and international transit cargo flights to major logistics node cities on all continents. Support the establishment of international air transport service enterprises, and pilot the international transfer and consolidation business of air express mail in the Pilot Free Trade Zone when conditions are met. Vigorously introduce international logistics enterprises to establish regional headquarters or operation centers in the Pilot Free Trade Zone, and support the establishment of international mail exchange bureaus and exchange stations in the Pilot Free Trade Zone. Support domestic and foreign express delivery companies in non-customs special supervision areas in the FTZ to handle qualified international express territorial declaration and inspection business. Support the construction of a multimodal transport logistics supervision center, and directly release those that do not change the sealing state of the reloading site.

18.Promote regional industrial transformation and upgrading and green development. Give full play to the comprehensive advantages of the Pilot Free Trade Zone as an open highland, support non-public enterprises to enter the franchise fields of electricity, railway, civil aviation, telecommunications, etc., support the in-depth development of military-civilian integration, and promote the orderly and free flow and optimal allocation of various elements. Support the development of the headquarters economy in the Pilot Free Trade Zone. Make full use of cross-regional industry transfer guidance funds such as the Yangtze River Economic Belt Industrial Fund, and promote the rational distribution and coordinated development of industries in the central region and the Yangtze River Economic Belt. Comprehensively integrate industrial policy resources such as the adjustment and transformation of old industrial bases, and promote cross-regional mergers and reorganizations, technological transformations, and transformation and upgrading of traditional advantageous industries. Innovate the system and mechanism for promoting the agglomeration and development of strategic emerging industries, support the establishment of manufacturing innovation centers that meet development needs, vigorously develop new investment and financing models such as equity investment funds, encourage information technology, intelligent manufacturing, new energy vehicles, biomedicine, marine engineering High-end industries such as equipment, aerospace, Beidou, and rail transit equipment will gather in the pilot free trade zone, promote and upgrade the construction of new industrialized industry demonstration bases, and cultivate and build world-class industrial clusters in the Yangtze River Economic Belt in key areas. Support the establishment of standards, certification, safety management and other systems and mechanisms for the integrated development of "Internet + manufacturing". Promote the development of new service formats such as "Design+", "Tourism+", "Logistics+", "Elderly Care+" and "Business+". Coordinate and study the visa-free entry policies for tourist groups from some countries to create an international cultural tourism destination. Qualified Sino-foreign joint venture travel agencies registered in the Pilot Free Trade Zone are allowed to engage in outbound tourism business other than Taiwan. In accordance with the requirements of the national main functional zone planning, explore the establishment of a hard ecological environment constraint mechanism in the pilot free trade zone, clarify the requirements for environmental quality, and promote the green development of the central region and the Yangtze River Economic Belt. Support the establishment of EIA consultations, joint law enforcement, information sharing, early warning and emergency response mechanisms. Explore the establishment of an index system for environmental protection and green development.

19.Create a comprehensive service platform for regional development. Promote the pilot free trade zone to carry out extensive economic and trade cooperation with the central and other regions of the Yangtze River Economic Belt, and better play the role of demonstration and driving. Promote the interactive development of national economic and technological development zones and pilot free trade zones. Explore the construction of regional commodity trading distribution centers, information centers and price formation centers, and enhance the market agglomeration and radiation functions in the central region. Under the premise of complying with national regulations, the central region's property rights trading market, technology trading market, emissions trading market and carbon emissions trading market can cooperate in the pilot free trade zone.

四、Guarantee mechanism

(一)Strengthen legal protection.

If the pilot free trade zone needs to temporarily adjust and implement some provisions of relevant administrative regulations, documents of the State Council and departmental rules approved by the State Council, it shall be handled in accordance with the prescribed procedures. All relevant departments should support the pilot free trade zone in deepening the pilot reform and opening up in various fields, increase pressure testing, strengthen supervision, and prevent and control risks, do a good job in the connection with the establishment, reform, abolition and interpretation of relevant laws, and timely solve the system guarantee problems in the pilot process. . Hubei Province should pass local legislation, formulate regulations and management measures for the pilot free trade zone, and continuously improve the legal guarantee system.

(二)Improve supporting tax policies.

Implement existing relevant tax policies and give full play to the supporting and promoting role of existing policies. The tax policies that have been piloted in China (Shanghai) Pilot Free Trade Zone, China (Guangdong) Pilot Free Trade Zone, China (Tianjin) Pilot Free Trade Zone and China (Fujian) Pilot Free Trade Zone can, in principle, be piloted in the Pilot Free Trade Zone Among them, policies such as selective collection of tariffs to promote trade and other relevant import and export taxes will be piloted in special customs supervision areas in the Pilot Free Trade Zone. The scope of special customs supervision areas and the scope of application of tax policies in the FTZ remain unchanged. In addition, under the premise of conforming to the direction of tax reform and international practice, and without causing profit transfer and tax base erosion, actively research and improve the tax policy of overseas income tax credit.

(三)Strengthen organizational implementation.

According to the unified deployment of the Party Central Committee and the State Council, and under the overall coordination of the State Council Free Trade Pilot Zone Working Inter-ministerial Joint Conference, Hubei Province will improve the pilot task organization and implementation of the guarantee mechanism, follow the overall plan, implement step-by-step, take the lead in breakthroughs, and gradually improve principles to speed up the implementation. In accordance with the principle of not only being conducive to the joint efforts to promote the construction of the pilot free trade zone, but also to the independent operation of each area, establish a management system of the pilot free trade zone that is streamlined, efficient, unified management, and responsible at different levels. All relevant departments should give strong support, formulate detailed implementation rules or measures in a timely manner, strengthen guidance and services, jointly promote the innovation of relevant systems and mechanisms, and build and manage the pilot free trade zone well. In the implementation process, it is necessary to innovate ideas, find rules, solve problems, and accumulate experience; give full play to the enthusiasm of local governments and departments, adapt measures to local conditions, highlight characteristics, and do comparative experiments and complementary experiments; do a good job in the implementation of reform measures, major issues Report to the State Council in a timely manner.

(四)Summarize and promote replicable pilot experience.

亚博登录注册平台The Pilot Free Trade Zone shall summarize the experience and achievements of reform and innovation in a timely manner. The Office of the Inter-ministerial Joint Conference on the Work of the Pilot Free Trade Zone of the State Council shall, together with the Hubei Provincial People's Government and relevant departments, summarize and evaluate the implementation effect of the pilot tasks of reform, opening up and innovation in the Pilot Free Trade Zone in a timely manner, strengthen the system integration of pilot experience in various fields, and entrust a third-party organization to carry out Independent evaluation. The results of the pilot program with good effects, controllable risks, and replicable and generalizable results shall be replicated and extended to other regions of the country after implementing the classification review procedure.


